Small Business Month in Canada is a time to recognize and celebrate the significant contributions that entrepreneurs and small businesses make to our economy.
Accordingly, this fall AMA Toronto is offering valuable support and resources to help foster the growth of small businesses across the country.
Our chapter is encouraging small business owners and entrepreneurs to take time to develop business ideas — and find new, exciting ways to improve and grow their companies through marketing. Amid the ongoing effects of the pandemic, we believe there has never been a more important time to understand the growth potential and top marketing strategies for small and medium-sized businesses.
Powerful, foundational support for SMEs
We’re proud to support the many small businesses in our community with the publication of a new book by Dr. Alan Middleton called Marketing Matters for Small & Medium Enterprises: Now More Than Ever, and a must-attend event on the SME marketing.
The book, part of AMA Toronto’s Empowering Leadership Potential Series, explores current thinking and best practices for marketing micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Middleton skillfully draws on an impressive list of marketers from Canada’s Marketing Hall of Legends to show why marketing is a foundational tool for SMEs looking to drive results and leverage the full power of their business strategy.
A practical, “must-attend event” on SME marketing
“Marketing for small and medium-sized enterprises” is also the focus of AMA Toronto’s upcoming Legendary Leadership Event on November 2nd featuring Dr. Middleton and a distinguished panel of Marketing Legends.
If you’re a small business owner and/or a marketer who works with SMEs, this is a practical and “must-attend event.” Empower your leadership potential with some of Canada’s best marketing experts in a robust, in-depth discussion about best practices and marketing strategies for SMEs.
About Small Business Month
Small Business Month in Canada was established in 2006 to acknowledge and applaud the substantial economic contributions of small businesses.
Today, there are about 1.2 million small businesses across the country with fewer than 100 employees. Collectively these firms employ around 8.5 million Canadians, about 70% of the total private labour force, and are considered “the backbone of the Canadian economy.”
During October, small business owners typically take advantage of events, seminars, resources and other opportunities when they come together to celebrate, learn, and network.
About AMA Toronto’s Empowering Leadership Potential Series
Introduced in 2021, the Empowering Leadership Potential Series of books is written by AMA Toronto Marketing Legend Dr. Alan Middleton and published by AMA Toronto. This series of business marketing books now includes Mentorship Matters: Now More Than Ever! (2021) and Marketing Matters for Small & Medium Enterprises: Now More Than Ever! (2022). Written for aspiring and inspiring marketing leaders who want to build their own leadership potential or help others build theirs, the books support AMA Toronto members and the marketing community with timely, insightful, and instructive advice about issues that matter.