Empowering Leadership Potential Series
Now More than Ever!
Published by AMA Toronto
Introduced in 2021, the Empowering Leadership Potential Series of books is written by AMA Toronto Canada’s Marketing Hall of Legends inductee Dr. Alan Middleton, and published by AMA Toronto.
This series of business marketing books now includes: Mentorship Matters: Now More Than Ever! (2021), Marketing Matters for Small & Medium Enterprises: Now More Than Ever! (2022) and Reputation Matters: Why Branding and PR are not Enough (2023).
Written for aspiring and inspiring marketing leaders who want to build their own leadership potential or help others build theirs, the books support AMA Toronto members and the marketing community with timely, insightful, and instructive advice about issues that matter.
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Use one or both books as a way to recognize an employee, or thank and support a customer.
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Reputation Matters: Why Branding and PR are not Enough (2023)
A timely perspective and case studies on the importance of Reputation. An organization’s reputation is a critically important part of attracting customers, great talent and suppliers whilst having political credibility. In this current world of unfettered social media access, organizations – private, public and not-for-profit – are more vulnerable to attacks, both legitimate and illegitimate. And yet, many remain ill prepared for how to manage these types of crises.
Marketing Matters For Small & Medium Enterprises: Now More Than Ever !
AMA Toronto is offering valuable support and resources to help foster the growth of small businesses across the country. We are encouraging small business owners and entrepreneurs to take time to develop business ideas — and find new, exciting ways to improve and grow their companies through marketing. Amid the ongoing effects of the pandemic, we believe there has never been a more important time to understand the growth potential and top marketing strategies for small and medium-sized businesses.
Mentorship Matters: Now More Than Ever !
Mentorship Matters provides an updated guide to effective mentorship practices and relationships. The book reviews the history and research about what makes effective mentorship for both mentors and mentees, while lists a number of how to’s for improved mentorship practice. The book covers ten cases of effective mentorship practices from the viewpoint of mentors, mentees and organizations and their mentorship programs.
Links (Hidden)
Empowering Leadership Series : https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09GDZ4YQ7
Marketing Matters (paperback) : https://a.co/d/bILXh0E
Marketing Matters (Kindle) : https://a.co/d/bqS0Nob