Do you know an up-and-coming marketer who is making their name as an entrepreneur, innovator, or digital influencer?
Established to celebrate the exceptional up-and-coming Canadian leaders, the Marketer-on-the-Rise Award honours the next generation of influential marketing leaders injecting innovation and fresh thinking into their fields and businesses. Exhibiting both passion and talent, they represent the Legends of tomorrow.
Criteria for nomination:
- 5-10 years maximum experience working in marketing.
- Business Professionals who influence and inspire with a strong emphasis on Marketing and Branding.
- Have created and maintained best in-class marketing success with multiple initiatives, or created a single major long term initiative.
- Have consistently progressed in their career and are widely recognized as “someone to watch” in the industry.
- Have given back to the business and marketing world through volunteering, inspirational leadership, and community initiatives.
- Canadians who have made a significant global contribution or put Canada on the Global stage.
- To be considered, nominees must be available to attend the gala which is to be held May 2025.
Deadline to submit 2025 nominations: January 27th, 2025 11:59 PM EST.
Nomination Form
(* required)