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The Career Accelerator program helps young marketing professionals further their career with the help of an experienced marketing professional. Inspired by the success of Mentor Exchange, this program is specifically designed to meet the needs of junior marketing professionals looking to move up the ladder in their careers, and runs from April to January of each year, with applications and matching taking place between February to April.

With the 2023 Career Accelerator program coming to a close, we interviewed some of the mentees about their experiences in the program and what they have learned over the course of the program.

What was the most important thing you got from this mentorship?

Nina Dohm, Research Assistant at Emo Labs

Consistency and encouragement. Being in touch with Ashley on a regular basis while I was completing my Master’s Degree, really helped me to not lose track of my career plans. He constantly reminded and encouraged me to get myself out there and network and to narrow down what it is that I’m looking for in my next role.

Sonali Gill, Production Editor at Pagemasters North America

Experienced, consistent guidance.


Responding to volatile situations and circumstances- my mentor having been in the marketing field for so long has seen all kinds of circumstances and adapted themselves to the situation and addressed every issue skillfully. This is something I learned for them- Developing Adaptability


Resume Review

What originally drew you to the AMA Toronto Career Accelerator program?

Nina Dohm

The opportunity to connect with an experienced professional from the marketing industry that could offer me a different perspective, advice, and guidance. Because it also included a 1-year membership and I had just moved to Toronto, I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity to connect with like-minded people.

Sonali Gill

Another mentor recommended it to me!


The pool of mentors with collective experience and skill-level for the Career Accelerator program drew me to apply for it.

How has your Career Accelerator mentor helped you achieve your professional goals over the past year?

Nina Dohm

Big yes! Because I went back to university to obtain my Master’s Degree the goal we had set was to prepare me for the job search after I graduate. So my mentor helped me to get an overview and understanding of the marketing landscape in the GTA and valuable insights into some of the big CPG companies. He also asked really great questions that got me thinking and ultimately helped me to narrow down and figure out what positions I want to apply for and in which companies.

Sonali Gill

They have helped me find greater clarity about my short-term and long-term professional goals. They also helped me navigate simpler career challenges like salary negotiations and interview prep!


The mentor helped me to develop a wider horizon in understanding marketing goals and aligning the tasks and objectives accordingly.


Providing feedback on my resume.

“Ashley was a very engaging mentor, I am so glad that he was there to support me throughout the past year and my MSc program. I have great news – I defended my Master’s thesis and will be obtaining my degree! I am now taking some time to plan and prepare for my next step and would be very interested in applying again for the next intake.”

Nina Dohm

What are some key takeaways that you learned from your mentor and this experience overall?

Nina Dohm

This was my first mentoring experience and I was grateful to be matched with someone who so openly and proactively shared his experience and advice with me. He gave me some very valuable tips on networking and interviewing.

Sonali Gill

I learned to value my skills correctly and to believe in myself. I also understood the tremendous value of collaboration and the importance of giving back!


I learned from my mentor to be always ready for change and have an open mind to understand critical business goals from a marketer’s perspective.

What is 1 reason why you would recommend Career Accelerator to someone else?

Nina Dohm

Because it gives you the opportunity to share your goals and ambitions with someone more experienced and to receive their feedback and perspective.

Sonali Gill 

You get access to some fantastic, experienced professionals who can teach you many essential things.


Being able to learn from the wisdom of skilled career Marketers that have seen all the tides and ebbs of the Marketing arena through different time periods of marketing channels evolved over the past 10-15 years.


The next Career Accelerator cohort is open for enrolment! Sign up today.



AMA Toronto’s Leadership Excellence Programs
For over a decade, AMA Toronto has developed the gold standard for leadership excellence programming for marketers and advertising professionals in North America. The programs are designed for both individuals and employers seeking to develop the leadership potential for themselves or their teams. From junior professionals to senior executives, AMA Toronto’s Leadership Excellence suite offers development programs designed for each step in one’s career.

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