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This month Canadians took a pause to give thanks for each other. I’m thankful for my AMA community and all it does to help one another. Our team is smart, knowledgeable and incredibly supportive and I am grateful to lead them. This month we’re sharing resources and tips from leaders and board members and other AMA chapters who will inspire us.

The Invisible Leader – Zach Mercurio x AMA Toronto

There’s a movement within the leadership circles called “The Spark” and it was created by author Zach Mercurio. I’m thrilled that Zach will be joining AMA Toronto in February 2022 as one of our keynote speakers, as his message on leadership and purpose really resonated with me and aligns so well to support AMA Toronto’s brand promise of empowering leadership potential. I highly recommend his latest book, “ The Invisible Leader: Transform Your Life, Work, and Organization with the Power of Authentic Purposewhich takes a detailed look at how purpose works and provides data from research-based practices that can be used to implement in our lives, work and organizations. Join AMA Toronto in February for a featured event with Zach, and stay tuned for more details as we get closer to the date.

Leadership Conversation Series Continue

My first Leadership Conversation with Jacquie Ryan was a pleasure to share with you, and she left us with excellent takeaways about the power of mentorship. I’m thrilled to keep this series going and cannot wait to share similar insights with entrepreneur Suzie Yorke, founder of Love Good Fats. At a juncture when most people are planning their exit strategies, Yorke gambled her life savings and created a series of products that she believed were missing in the health food market. Her perseverance and belief in the power of marketing helped her make some tough decisions to keep going. Today, her company is one of the fastest growing in the health food market. Stay tuned for the full conversation next month.


International Marketing Events

One of the main goals of our chapter is to present resources for our members to do their jobs better and more effectively. Every year, AMA chapters all across North America plan events that provide tools to make us better marketers. This month, the AMA is offering a stellar online workshop, Social Media Content Strategy and it’s not to be missed. Covering topics such as content creation, planning and scheduling, you will come away with the knowledge and confidence to effectively promote your brand across your social channels. Clocking in at just three hours, this event offers an interactive Q&A, plus resources and best practices. 

Here at home, we’re offering a stellar learning experience on October 27th, with Aaron Templer, a fervent AMA-TO supporter. The event, Leading in a Social World,  exposes both the shortcomings of the tactics-focused social media marketing approach on which so many marketing professionals, leaders, organizations and brands rely, and the questionable data upon which many of their decisions are based. The better way is through building social capital—not with better marketing skills, but with stronger leadership acumen. This MNG will show you how to do it.

As part of the benefits of your AMA Toronto membership, you have access to Chapter Events across North America such as the AMA Chicago Semi-Annual Career Connections event.

AMA Chicago’s chapter event on Nov. 4 at 12pm called Career Connections is “a semi-annual event is built around moving your career forward today and tomorrow.” It is Free to AMA Members! 

Join one of many of the upcoming AMA events across Canada and the U.S.

Legends that Continue to Lead

Former AMA-Toronto Canada’s Marketing Hall of Legends inductee Arlene Dickinson has a stellar reputation for being smart, resourceful and insightful. AMA-Toronto is keeping up with her accomplishments, events and news. Listed, in order, as a dragon (CBC Dragon’s Den), Entrepreneur, Partner and Mother, Arlene continues to grow her agency District Ventures Capital and Venture Communications. Her will, skills and determination have set her apart to be recognized as one of Canada’s top leaders and entrepreneurs. We’re so proud of her accomplishments.  Hear more from Arlene on Tony Chapman’s Chatter that Matters podcast here.

Speaking of former Legends, Joseph Mimran, an AMA Toronto 2015 Canada’s Marketing Hall of Legend Inductee  is also keeping pace these days adding his design flare to the  intersection of home and office – Joe is behind with a new line called Grey Mttr available online and at Staples. Joe is also set to be a returning judge at the upcoming Angel’s Den competition supporting St. Michael’s Foundation on November 18th 2021, where alongside other celebrity judges, will select the winner of $500,000 in research to fund breakthroughs in health care.  You can RSVP and join the Angel’s Den competition livestream online here.

What I’m Reading, Listening and Watching

In addition to reading Zach Mercuio’s book “The Invisible Leader”, and Alan Middleton’s superb book published by AMA Toronto on “Mentorship Matters,”  I also highly recommend podcasts for those who prefer their learning audibly.  

The Brene Brown podcast series “Dare to Lead” is insightful, affirming, honest and so wise. In her series, she interviews other leaders, psychologists, educators and scholars about becoming better leaders and better people. Dr. Amy Cuddy is one of her interviewees and has the second most popular Ted Talk, where she discusses body language and how it may shape who we are. It’s a fascinating concept that many people may not be aware of. I hope to share more of what I am learning with all of you to find inspiration and expand your leadership potential.



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