Miles Nadal established MDC over 30 years ago. Through a series of entrepreneurial ventures and diverse investments, he worked to transform MDC Partners from a small photography business into a leading marketing communications global organization.
On April 11, 1980, Nadal used $500, charged to his Visa card, to start MDC Partners. In the company’s first year, revenues were $100,000. In 1987, seven years later, Nadal took his company public, and today, the company is one of the largest and most respected global marketing services organizations.
MDC Partners is one of the world’s largest Business Transformation Organizations that utilizes technology, marketing communications, data analytics, insights and strategic consulting solutions to drive meaningful returns on Marketing and Communications Investments for multinational clients.
MDC Partners’ durable competitive advantage is to Empower the Most Talented Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders to Drive Business Success to new levels of Achievement, for both our Clients and our Shareholders, reinforcing MDC Partners’ reputation as “The Place Where Great Talent Lives.”
Today, MDC Partners boasts such creatively lauded power-house companies as Anomaly, Bruce Mau Design, Capital C, CP+B, Doner, henderson bas kohn, KBS+ and Veritas, among many others. MDC companies represent every angle of communications including advertising, design, interactive, e-commerce, product innovation, experiential marketing and branded entertainment, with a diverse portfolio of clients.
MDC shares are publicly traded on both the NASDAQ and the Toronto Stock Exchange. MDC’s model of perpetual partnership is unique in the industry. MDC Partners fosters the entrepreneurial spirit of its partner firms by encouraging creativity and autonomy while providing the environment and human and financial resources needed to accelerate growth.
In recognition of his achievements in business and his philanthropic endeavors, Nadal has been honored with numerous awards, including selection for the “Top 40 Under 40”, and Ernst & Young’s 1999 Entrepreneur of the Year in the professional services sector. Nadal’s philanthropic legacy and work emphasize the importance of supporting community and charitable organizations, focusing on the areas of children’s welfare, education, and health care.
Miles Nadal is a frequent guest lecturer on the subject of entrepreneurship at schools and universities across North America, including Harvard Business School, Harvard Law School, Wharton and the University of Miami’s School of Business Administration. He is an active member of the Marketing 50, Global 50 and G100, and has been awarded an honorary doctorate degree from Tel Aviv University.
Nadal’s philanthropy is behind the construction of the Miles and Kelly Nadal Youth Centre for the Boys and Girls’ Club of Canada, which provides a dedicated after-school facility for at risk children in Regent Park and downtown east. Nadal provided the keystone gift for the rebuilding of the Bloor Jewish Community Centre (the Miles S. Nadal Jewish Community Centre), for which he received the Outstanding Volunteer Award from the Greater Toronto chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. Nadal was a keystone contributor to the revitalization of Ayalon/Canada Park (Canada-Israel Park, known as the Miles S. Nadal & Family Environmental Community). Nadal and MDC are partnering sponsors of the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto, he is a recipient of the Harold Lederman award for Volunteer and Philanthropic Leadership, and was named a Negev Honouree by the JNF.
Nadal’s contribution to educational causes include the funding of York University’s downtown Miles S. Nadal Management Centre, the Miles S. Nadal Institute for Technological Entrepreneurship at Tel Aviv University, as well as involvement with Junior Achievement and the Schulich School of Business, through which he has provided a multitude of high school and university scholarships for students striving to become the entrepreneurs of the future.
Nadal has served on the boards of the Baycrest Institute and Mount Sinai, where he drove the creation of Leadership Sinai, Mount Sinai’s young leaders group. He has been honored for his efforts with Harlem RBI, the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation, the UJA Federation and Mount Sinai, as well as his significant contributions to the Reena foundation, which is dedicated to enabling individuals with developmental disabilities to reach their full potential. Nadal has also provided crucial resources to causes such as the Global Medical Relief Fund, Operation Smile, and the building of the Weizmann Institute’s Miles and Kelly Nadal and Family Laboratory for Molecular Genetics.