Age 4. Plucked out of Romper Room to be in TV commercial in 1963.
Ad-libs line. Director laughs. Ad-lib stays.
Fate sealed.
After finishing Ryerson’s RTA program in 1981, Terry promptly sends out 60 resumes to 60 advertising agencies. Gets back 61 rejection letters. One agency actually rejects him twice. Applies to small radio station in Burlington, Ontario, is hired, begins career as copywriter, falls in love with radio. Station has over 100 on-going clients. Discovers that, with hard work and diligent organization, you can still fall flat on your face. Three years later, he is finally hired by a top advertising agency, Campbell-Ewald Toronto. Goes on to work for some of the most creative shops in Canada including Doyle Dane Bernbach and Chiat/Day.
Co-founds Pirate Radio & Television in 1990, specializing in radio and television commercials. Pirate grows to include 8 recording studios in Toronto and New York City.
Has won a few hundred awards for writing and directing. In demand as a speaker promoting the power of ideas. Chosen as one of Canada’s “Most Influential” marketing people by Marketing Magazine. Sole Canadian judge for the inaugural year of Radio at the 2005 Cannes Advertising Festival in France. Named International Radio Jury Chairman at Clio Awards in Miami, and Radio Jury Chairman at the London International Advertising Awards. When he is not creating advertising, he was talking about it as host of The Age of Persuasion, and now as the host of Under the Influence. The advertising industry has given him three lifetime achievement awards.
Has a wonderful wife and three lovely daughters.
Who like some of his work.